Centennial United Methodist Church at Ivy logo









Altoona, Iowa



Centennial United Methodist Church at Ivy logo









Altoona, Iowa





Schedule your wedding at Centennial United Methodist Church


Steps to start the process of conducting a wedding at Centennial United Methodist Church

1.  Check the Centennial calendar. Unfortunately an open date doesn't guarantee that the church will be available but it will show what events are already scheduled. The church will only be available on dates that don't conflict with any established or special service or meeting of the Centennial congregation. Click here to see calendar.

2.  Open wedding worksheet and complete all of the gray shaded areas. Click here to open document.

3.  Save your completed wedding worksheet on your computer. (Perhaps on your desktop.)

4.  Send an email to our pastor Dani Musselman (pastordanim@gmail.com) by clicking here. Make the subject line "Wedding Request" and attach your completed worksheet to the email.

5.  Our pastor will then work with you on your request.

      See Centennial's Wedding Guidelines