Don and Shirl Gessner
Don and Shirl Gessner have served as worship leaders in revivals, campmeetings, crusades and district assemblies throughout the United States and Canada since 1977. Their gift is to bring people into God's presence through music that prepares the heart for the Word of God.
Don was the executive producer of six Gaither-like Homecoming videos for evangelists in the Church of the Nazarene. From 2001-2009, they served as Worship Leaders / Executive Pastor for Grace Pointe Church of the Nazarene in Indianapolis, IN. From 2009-2015, Don was Executive Pastor for Newark Church of the Nazarene in Newark, Ohio while he and Shirl led worship for their Saturday evening service called Encounter. From 2015-2018, Don was Executive Pastor for a new-start called Velocity Church in Indianapolis, IN.
They currently serve as Worship Leaders at Westside Church in Indianapolis, IN for the Classic Service where Don is Executive Pastor.