LEADERSHIP UPDATE of the Southeast Region

Volume 5, Issue 5 June 2010

Pastors: Please distribute this to your delegates, leaders & congregation




THE STORY OF LOST: more than an island



For 6 seasons, ABC fans watched the highs and lows of passengers of Oceanic flight 815 struggle to survive and make sense of their experiences on a mysterious island. This past week it all came to a conclusion as 7.5 hours of programming - spread out over 3 nights of viewing - unfolded the writers best efforts to depict humanity caught in the battle of good versus evil, offering a creative depiction of lifes meaning, death and the afterlife.


I had watched some of year 1 out of curiosity, caught a few episodes years 2 5, then tuned in fairly regularly this final year. For me, this show depicted well lifes human fears and hopes. I watched the survivors struggle to communicate and trust one another although strangers of different nationalities and backgrounds. Through countless flashbacks the story of each passenger was eventually told, revealing why he or she acted the way they did. Each was brought time and again to crisis points where they had to choose whether to let go of their pasts or remain captive to them. And throughout the storyline, there was confusion and mystery, as a spiritual battle was going on all around them, and they had to decide whom they were going to trust. Were they on the island due to a freak accident and lifes meaning was to find a way of escape, or had they been brought to the island on purpose to do something selfless to tip the scales of good verses evil.


Although LOST was not a Biblically based, Christian narrative, it certainly was a window revealing the hopes, fears and questions of the post-modern society in which we live today. Many people in fact up to 23 million viewers per episode tuned in to witness the LOST characters struggle for a better life. Undoubtedly people all around you are concerned about the same issues that consumed the characters on LOST:


         Whom can I trust?

         If I let someone get to know the real me, will they still want to be my friend?

         Is it possible to break free from the regrets and hurts of my past, or should I just lower my expectations in life?

         Does life really have a purpose, or is it just random?

         Is there such a thing as an absolute truth, or should I just go with my gut and do what makes sense to me in the moment?

         Is there such a thing as God or Satan? heaven or hell? an afterlife?


This summer I hope that you will individually and as congregations look for ways to befriend fellow survivors. You dont have to go to a deserted island to find them they are all around you. Just look deeply into the eyes of your co-worker, your neighbor, or a relative. Many of them would be willing to have a deeper friendship with you, a relationship that could provide the opportunity to share YOUR STORY of faith and to discuss GODS STORY in relation to their questions and concerns. I challenge you to embark on a CREATING JOURNEY this summer and see how God will use you to touch others.


Supt. Darrel Riley







The Overflow Conference ended in April

but the SPLASH is just beginning:

GO TO www.livethestorytellthestory.com


From April 2010 July 2011, Bishop Roller is calling every FM church to two emphases:


LIVE THE STORY: focus on growing & becoming more like Jesus, so others will see Him living through your attitudes, words and actions.


TELL THE STORY: become comfortable and creative in sharing YOUR STORY of why God is real to you, and sharing GODS STORY so others can also come to faith in Christ.





Here are just a few ideas of ways your congregation might start living and telling the Story. Make sure that WEEKLY there is some form of report, testimonial or example from a member of your congregation of what they are doing and how it is going:





         40 Day Prayer Experiment: Congregational challenge for children, teens & adults to commit to 15 minutes of prayer daily for 40 days. What has God been saying to you?


         Summer Bible Blitz: Unified congregational reading of a book or section of the Bible over the summer, with the pulpit message and small groups reinforcing the daily personal Bible readings. How did God speak to you through His Word this past week?


         Build a Bridge: Each individual or family commits to intentionally look for ways to build a relationship with a specific pre-believing individual or family over an 8 week period How is it going? What are you discovering? How can others pray for you?


         Go First Challenge: For a month children, teens & adults take the challenge to look for opportunities to go first throughout the day to be willing to be the first to offer help, or to ask forgiveness, or to go the extra mile. How did you go first this week? What happened?






         Tell Your Story Workshop: Use a Sunday School Hour or a worship service to learn how to tell your story creatively in 3 minutes or less, then practice it with a partner.

This was demonstrated & practiced at the Regional Training Events in the South Atlantic Conf in May.

SAC Pastors: when are you going to lead this workshop with your congregation?


         4 x 4 Get Acquainted Meals: A believing individual/couple invites 3 other individuals/couples to meet 4 times this summer (over a 4 to 6 week time frame) for a shared meal. Each individual or couple hosts 1 week meaning a pot luck at their home, or they pick the restaurant, or they choose another location a picnic at the park, etc. The group meets for fellowship & food, then the believing individual includes one simple but deeper question that everyone responds to What stresses you most? What accomplishment are you proud of? What is one of your hopes for the future? etc. At the end of the 4 weeks, the individuals / couples are invited to join you in a short term gathering where the questions that they discussed in their dinner club can be explored from the Bibles perspective.


         Start lay-led small groups that include non-believers. In the coming 15 months, there will be a monthly SMALL GROUP TIP provided in the LEADERSHIP UPDATE.







OVERFLOW DVD & BOOKLET: Those who PRE-ORDERED the DVD of the 5 main sessions should receive it in the mail this week. Copies of the DVD can still be ordered, by sending a check for $22.50 to Nikki Roller at 2315 W. Burke St. Tampa FL 33604. Make out the check to Overflow Conference. Each pastor in the SER is highly encouraged to order a DVD, viewing & discussing it with key leaders and classes in a 5 week series, to help your congregation understand the importance of being OUTWARDLY FOCUSED.



         Get a free audio book monthly. Go to www.Christianaudio.com. Create a free account and be sent The Hole in the Gospel, by Richard Sterns, who will be a speaker at General Conference 2011.

         Over 50 hours of audio is available featuring main sessions and break out speakers from EXPONENTIAL, the worlds largest church planting & revitalization conference. Speakers such as Rick Warren, Reggie McNeal & Francis Chan are included. Go to www.exponentialconference.org. Click on first entry and Exponential 2010 will come up. Click on left column Exponential Podcast and sign up for free downloads.


ORDER VBS KITS NOW: Ministry to children is important. Vacation Bible School materials can be used throughout the year. Use it in either an intensive 5 day summer program, or purchase it for use during the school year as a creative curriculum for midweek or evening programs (stretch 1 lesson into 2 weeks). Go to www.Christianbook.com to preview over a dozen VBS options. Recommended top publishers: Gospel Light, Group and Nazarene.


CMCs & MENTORS: Conference Ministerial Candidates should begin meeting immediately with their mentor if they have not done so yet. Contact Supt. Riley to report your mentor, and materials will be mailed to him / her. A listing of CMC courses being taught in FL will be sent out to CMCs very soon.






Pray daily for the following churches. Send greetings to one another.


JUNE 2010



May 30 June 5

Lakeland: Light & Life

Pastor John Hendricks (Bobbie)


Pleasant Grove AL: Faith FMC

Pastor Joe Shuffett (Wendy)



June 6 - 12

Lakeland: Living Hope

Pastor Richard Harris (Tricia)



Deville, LA: Marthas Chapel

Pastor Monty Bower (Jo)


June 13 - 19

Miami: Christian Community Haitian

Pastor Leonel Georges (Marie)



Deville, LA: New Hope

Pastor Fred Summers (Faye)


June 20 - 26


Miami, First Haitian

Pastor Lucien Civil (Nedege)



Jonesville, LA: Acme

Pastors Wade & Cindy Robinson


June 27 July 3


Miami, Hosanna Internacional Ministerio

Pastor Javier Mendoza (Martha)



Olla, LA: Antioch

Under the supt., delegate E W Nugent

485 Hwy 770 Olla LA 71465





Conference News:

         Congratulations to CMCs William & Marianne Pena and grandparents Belarminio & Dorcas Martinez (Hialeah: Ministerios Nueva Vision) on the arrival of Shiloh Pena, born May 25. The Penas live at 1375 SW 101 Way Apt 208, Pembroke Pines FL 33025.


         Prayers for Pastor David Dor (FL City: South Dade Haitian) who recently suffered a stroke, and for Elder Alfredo Alberty (Tampa) who is battling cancer.


         West Palm Beach: NEIGHBORHOOD WORSHIP CENTER (Pastor Ernie Sullivan) is updating their facility. In the sanctuary they are enlarging their platform area, purchasing new seating and updating the flooring; restrooms are being brought up to code, and all educational classrooms are being renovated. This project also includes repainting the building exterior and resurfacing the parking lot & driveway.


         SAC YOUTH CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS: Help send a teen to camp this summer. The cost of housing, meals & ministry materials is $250 per camper. Many teens are depending upon your generosity. Contact Camp Director Genniser deVega - genniser@aol.com or call him at 727-692-5570 to contribute.


         HERITAGE BUILDERS: St. Pete: Cornerstone has begun a second half / 55+ ministry. They are sponsoring a conference-wide SCRIPTURES AT SEA western Caribbean cruise with Carnival from Mon Nov 29 Sat Dec 4. Cost of $320 / person which includes taxes & fees. Deposit due July 16. Contact lee.crist@verizon.net or call 727-343-7747 for details. Morning devotions and evening vespers together.



Upcoming Dates:



Sat, June 5: SAMARITAN VILLAGE General Cleaning Day

Join the Orlando Fellowship in helping Rhonda Stapleton renovate the storefront space recently given to her to set up a thrift store to help finance Samaritan Village and provide job skill training for resident women (remember Rhondas story at Overflow?). Clearing out debris, pulling up carpet, and general cleaning is the goal Saturday, beginning at 9am. The address is 3851 E Colonial Drive, located in the Fashion Village Shopping Center across the parking lot from the Summit Church, (between The Annex & Leedys Bookstore). Call Rhonda to let her know youre coming at 407-538-9246 and bring your own gloves & cleaning supplies.


Mon Fri, July 5 9 2010 SAC YOUTH CAMP: ONE!

         ACA Camp Geneva in Fruitland Park FL 34731 Cost: $250 per student

         Deadline for registration is June 7; after that, an additional fee of $50 is added.

         Contact Camp Director genniser@aol.com or call 727-692-5570





Bring a copy of your Summer Trimester On Purpose Report for your District Leader:

(Summary of May - August 2010)


Sat, 11 Regional Event: South FL (9:30am lunch) Miami First Haitian


Sat, 18 Regional Event: West Coast (9:30am lunch) St Pete: Cornerstone


Mon, 20 Regional Event: Central FL (6:30 supper 9pm) Orlando: First Spanish




Fri Sat, Sept 24 25 SAC LADIES RETREAT at Christian Retreat Center in Bradenton


Fri Sat, Oct 22 & 23 RIP FEST II with Bishop Roller @ St Pete: Cornerstone Comm Ch





Recent newsletters, blogs and support information on each family are available on-line at www.fmwm.org (then click on Missionaries tab). You can also email them:


Josh & Susy Fajardo (Spain) JFajardoM@aol.com


Mike & Maria Long (Greece) Longmm@the.forthnet.gr


Jack Munos (Haiti) 2716 Cedar Point Dr. Waco, TX 76710

Rick & Cookie Ireland (Haiti) rick.ireland@yahoo.com






Updates Around the Conference:

         Upon the stateside return of Linda Adams, Director of International Childcare Ministries, the date for Elizabeth & Jeanne Nitchmans tour of Haiti will be set. As part of that trip, the Nitchmans will be doing the groundwork to organize a future AL-GA work team to Haiti. Be thinking and praying about your participation.


         Columbus GA: Christ Community Churchs end of July occupancy date of their new campus is still on track. This week a second coat of paint went on all walls, cabinets were hung, sanctuary lighting went up, tile flooring was laid, and the parking lot was prepped for paving. Pray for the congregation as they anticipate the big move.


         Fayetteville GA: Fayette Community Church spent May renovating the new site where their congregation will meet beginning in June. They are relocating across the parking lot to 403 Fayette Place; all other contact info remains the same.


Upcoming Dates:

         Thurs, June 17 is the date of the next AL District Pastors Meeting

         Sunday, July 11 the annual District Pastors & Families Picnic will take place

         Saturday, Oct 2: AL-GA ALL CONFERENCE RALLY DAY with Bishop Roller for all pastors, delegates and church leaders, to be held at Christ Community Churchs new facility in Columbus GA. Protect this date and get it on your calendars now!





Upcoming Dates:

         Mon Fri, June 7 11: FAMILY CAMP at Church of God Campground, Pollock, LA

Camp Pastor: Lewis Bunn

Camp Worship Leader: Bobby Stephens & family @ www.rockofsafety.com

For information or to register, contact Katy Price (318-466-5770)


         Sun Wed, July 18 21: Edgewood FMC in Pineville will hold an evening VBS from 5:30 8:00pm, utilizing Deep Sea Adventures to explore the depths of Jesus love. A wrap up will be held Sunday, July 25. For more information, contact Tonya Backe, 318-466-5500.

         Sat Wed, July 24 28: Marthas Chapel in Deville will offer VBS the following week at these times: Saturday - 10am; Sunday - 4pm; Mon Wed 6pm. For more information, contact Jo Bower at 318-466-5308


         Fri Sun, Aug 20 22: Supt Darrel will meet with GCC Pastors this weekend.